Providing Soil Improvement Programs for Coffee Farms

In El Salvador coffees are grown that are classified as Arabic coffees that are known as the other soft coffees among them the varieties that we Five Points El Salvador grow in our farms are: Castillo - Bourbon Red - Pink Bourbon - Pacamara – Geisha

Five Points Trading Corp

In recent years it has been due to the attacks of rust the production of tolerant varieties such as:
Caturra - Cuscatleco - Icatu - Catimor - Tekisic - Anacafe 14 - Costa Rica 95 - Castillo

High commercial value varieties have been introduced due to their cover above 90 points, such as:
Bourbon - Pacamara - Pink bourbon - Geisha

In tolerant varieties, due to such a variety of coffees and latitudes, quality is handled per msnm, with a record of 0 to 800m low, equal to 6cts.
From 800 to 1,000 meters half height hg and 1,000mts strict height that is equal to shg to market them there are generic coffees and the American standard is occupied that are 12 defects and European standard that are 6 defects to handle gourmet varieties have to be cultivated above of 1,250mts all about zaranda 16, 0 defects.

There are different processes in coffee that give different aromas, flavor and color to the cup, such as the processes of:
Washed coffee - Honny coffee - Cherry coffee - Floral coffees

These are brown are peculiar because they are of different heights, zones and varieties in the case of Five Points El Salvador, a farm is managed on the slopes of the Izalco Ilamatepec volcano with a height of 1,100mts up to 1,410 meters above sea level in which micro -lots of coffee where they are mentioned:
Castle - Bourbon Red - Pink Bourbon - Pacamara - Geisha

Being managed under an environmentally friendly process and especially with organic practices exploiting the largest Coffee ship.

More information about coffee Farms